
Petty thefts rise in North Glendale, prompting police outreach

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Police are planning to step up their anti-theft “Lock it, Hide it and Keep it” campaign after a 25% increase in petty thefts over a 30-day period in North Glendale.

The jump in thefts from unlocked vehicles and home front lawns occurred from July 15 to Aug. 12, a trend that has prompted police officials to remind residents to safeguard their valuables, lock their cars and be vigilant of any suspicious activity.

Police explorers will hand out fliers with theft prevention tips to residents in several North Glendale neighborhoods, Officer Matt Zakarian said.

Neighborhood watch groups and merchants have also been notified about the increase in thefts.

Scooters and bicycles were among some of the items stolen in all North Glendale districts, Zakarian added.

Meanwhile, vehicle break-ins and petty thefts have fallen in the rest of the city so far this year, according to Police Department statistics.

Petty theft incidents numbered 851 from January to July this year — down from 938 over the same period last year. Auto burglaries dropped from 383 to 308 for the same period.

Overall property crime also declined citywide from 2,017 incidents to 1,814 for the same period.

Police advised residents to remove valuables from cars or hide them before reaching their destination. Residents also should park in well-lit areas and set car alarms, police warned.

Zakarian said unlocked cars accounted for most of the North Glendale neighborhood-area thefts.


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