
Egg-throwers chased, attacked by drivers

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A Glendale man and three cousins visiting from Ecuador got more than they bargained for when they decided to drive around and throw eggs at passing cars, police say.

It all started at about 11 p.m. Tuesday on Broadway near Pacific Avenue when one of the men hit a Hummer with an egg as it passed, police said.

The driver of the Hummer, who was not identified, allegedly turned around and gave chase. The chase continued for several blocks until the men — who were, ironically, driving a Ford Escape — reached the 1300 block of West Glenoaks Boulevard, where a white Mercedes pulled in front of the men and tried to block them, police said.

The men drove around the Mercedes and continued before eventually being boxed in at the 1300 block of Glenwood Road, police said.

Several people exited the Mercedes and Hummer, surrounded the Escape and began punching and kicking the car, according to police reports.

A rear window was broken during the attack before the victim was able to navigate around the Hummer and drive away.

The chase continued until police caught up to the drivers of the Hummer and Mercedes.

Police later discovered that the Mercedes had been reported stolen in June. The driver, Arman Vardumyan, 20, of Tujunga, and passenger, Elvis Khachikyan, 19, of Glendale, were arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft after the pair were unable to show proof of ownership.

No arrests were made in connection with the alleged egging incident, but the case remains under investigation and will be presented to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.

Police urged anyone whose cars were also vandalized and damaged by the egg attack to call (818) 548-4840.

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