
Schiff says he is ‘deeply disturbed’ by brutal attack on U.S. embassy in Libya

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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) on Wednesday said he was “deeply saddened and disturbed” by news that a mob angry over an anti-Muslim video had sacked the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi and killed the American ambassador stationed there.

The armed protesters -- furious over the video they say mocks the prophet Muhammad, and which was produced in the United States -- killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three U.S. government employees during an attack on the embassy Tuesday night, drawing strong condemnation from American and Libyan officials.

Schiff, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, released a statement Wednesday morning saying the loss “should serve as a reminder to all Americans of the risks that our diplomats and foreign assistance officers encounter every day.”

Stephens had been working with the Libyan government as it continues with its transition following the downfall of Moammar Kadafi’s regime in 2011. The U.S. was a key rebel ally in that fight, unleashing an air campaign with NATO allies helped Libya’s current leadership topple Kadafi.


Killing of U.S. ambassador, 3 staffers condemned by Libyan officials

Photos: Attack on consulate in Libya

U.S. ambassador killed; California man behind anti-Islam film hides

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News

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