
Equipment failure knocks out power at GCC, campus closed down

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An equipment malfunction knocked power out at Glendale Community College Friday morning, prompting officials to cancel classes and close the campus.

Interim Supt. Jim Riggs said repairs on the equipment would last well into the night, and announcement on whether the campus would be closed Saturday wasn’t expected until late Friday night. The college would notify students via its mass email notification system.

Most of the college’s faculty and staff were also sent home, although some remained at work under back-up lighting systems that kicked into gear, Riggs added.

“Basically, the entire campus is closed down,” he said.

Meanwhile, city spokesman Tom Lorenz said Glendale Water & Power crews were standing by to assist if needed, but described the outage as campus facilities issue.

He said the city may loan some equipment “in an effort to get some interim power.”

The outage also left the college’s email and phone systems disabled Friday.

The college Garfield campus was also closed Friday.

-- Kelly Corrigan and Jason Wells, Times Community News

Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan
