
Convicted arsonist arrested after allegedly lighting napkins on fire outside Glendale In-N-Out

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A 71-year-old convicted arsonist was arrested Wednesday after allegedly burning napkins outside of In-N-Out on Brand Boulevard because he was “trying to have a good time,” police said

Gerald Harris of Glendale was taken into custody about 11:19 p.m. on suspicion of committing arson after being convicted of the same crime twice before in the past 10 years, according to Los Angeles County Superior Court records.

Harris, a registered arsonist, was discharged on Dec. 7 from serving parole for the same offense, according to Glendale police officials.

Officers saw Harris allegedly lighting a stack of napkins on fire before throwing them in the air in the 100 block of South Brand Boulevard, according to police reports.

Fearing the napkins could set fire to nearby businesses due windy conditions, police immediately detained him.

Harris allegedly told officers he was throwing the napkins because he “wanted to put on a show.”

He was allegedly lighting the napkins with a lighters, but police later found a matchbox and candle on the ground near his belongings.

Harris has a lengthy criminal history, with multiple convictions for trespassing, battery, vandalism, theft, public drunkenness and three convictions for indecent exposure, according to court records. He has also been charged twice for failing to register as a sex offender.

Police reported that Harris has been complying with sex offender registration requirements.

-- Veronica Rocha, Times Community News

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