
Major improvement slated for Glendale streets, intersections

(Cheryl Guerrero/Staff photographer)
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Glendale is set to spend roughly $1 million to improve surface streets that connect the Ventura (134) and Golden State (5) freeways after the City Council on Tuesday approved the project.

The freeways do not have direct interchanges in certain directions, so some drivers must use streets such as Victory Boulevard and Western Avenue to make the changes.

The city plans to modify five intersections — including Victory and Western, Lake Street and Western, and Flower Street and Sonora Avenue — as part of the $1.09 million project.

In addition, closed-circuit television cameras and vehicle detectors will be installed, along with 13,545 feet of fiber optic cable and 2,055 feet of communication conduit.

Public works officials plan to complete the project in July.

The work will be carried out alongside similar improvements on the Burbank side of the freeways.

Most of the funding for the project will come from Proposition C, which was approved by Los Angeles County voters in 1990 for transportation projects, with revenues generated by a half-cent sales tax.

Funds from a gas tax and the city’s general funds will also help pay for the project, according to the city.


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