
Political newcomer leads fundraising race for Glendale school board

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A political newcomer who’s running for Glendale Unified school board has raised the most money in the race, according to the most recent campaign filings.

A dentist by trade, Armina Gharpetian reported raising $12,250. Of that amount, $1,155 came in the form of nonmonetary contributions and $2,500 consisted of a self-made loan.

The majority of Gharpetian’s contributions came from 17 supporters, 10 of whom donated $500 to $1,000 to her campaign.

The total listed in her most recent financial disclosure forms for the period ending Feb. 21 put her far above the six other candidates in the race in terms of amassing campaign funds.

Gharpetian was shocked to learn she had out-raised current school board members by so much.

“I was a little surprised — they are incumbents,” she said.

She has appeared often on local television programs — many in Armenian — and said she hasn’t held a major fundraiser yet.

“My whole approach to this campaign has been outreach to the community,” Gharpetian said.

Incumbent Christine Walters reported raising $3,825. Of that total, Walters and her husband made a $3,000 donation to her campaign and an $825 self-loan.

Candidate and former Glendale High teacher Daniel Cabrera reported raising $3,085 in contributions. He donated $5 to his campaign and lent himself $1,100.

Eight other contributors donated a combined $1,200 to Cabrera’s campaign.

Incumbent Joylene Wagner reported raising $2,523.

Among her six contributors was Glendale Community College Trustee Tony Tartaglia, who donated $100 to Wagner’s campaign.

Wagner also lent herself $1,100.

Candidate and former Glendale Unified teacher Jennifer Freemon received $1,310 in contributions.

Freemon donated $100 to her own campaign and got contributions from six other supporters, including Burbank Teachers Assn. President Lori Adams, who donated $100.

Incumbent Greg Krikorian raised $1,096 with two contributors donating $350 to his campaign and $746 more coming from donations totaling less than $100 each.

Candidate Ali Sadri did not report any donations.

Sadri filed an official form with the city clerk’s office stating he would anticipate receiving and spending less than $1,000 on his campaign.

Another player in the school board race is the political action committee of the Glendale Teachers Assn. — known as the Glendale Teachers Public Education Improvement Fund.

As of the latest filing period, the committee reported contributions totaling $3,273 from union members.

Glendale Teachers Union President Tami Carlson said the committee supports Freemon’s run for school board for the perspective she carries as a mother of young children in Glendale schools and as a former teacher.

The committee also supports Zareh Sinanyan’s run for Glendale City Council.

“We hope to get both of them elected,” Carlson said.


Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan
