
Search for next superintendent of Glendale Community College winds down

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The next superintendent of Glendale Community College probably will be one of 12 candidates who will set foot on campus in early April for interviews.

At a board of trustees meeting this week, Donna Voogt, administrative dean of human resources for the college, said the 11-member hiring committee had screened 23 applications on March 15 that met the minimal qualifications for the job.

Of those 23 applicants, 12 were chosen to participate in on-campus interviews April 2 and 3.

But with the hiring committee sworn to secrecy, college trustees will be left in the dark about the backgrounds of each of the 12 candidates for now.

At a board meeting this week, Glendale Community College trustee Ann Ransford jokingly spoke of her futile attempt to gain information.

“I saw one [committee member] on Friday and asked her a question and she wouldn’t say a word,” Ransford said.

April 25 stands as a tentative date for when the finalists will participate in a public forum on campus, take a tour of the college, and interact with faculty, staff and students, Voogt said.

Then the finalists will be interviewed by the college’s board of trustees.

“We are moving right along,” Voogt said.

Community College Search Services, a Ventura-based consulting firm, has also been involved in the search.

They tapped into a nationwide database of 400 potential candidates and advertised the position in print and online outlets beginning in January.

The consultants also sent the job announcement to top officials at every state community college.


Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.
