
Glendale school board candidates share reasons they should get voters’ support

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The seven candidates running for three open seats on the Glendale Univied school board explain why they should be elected.

Dan Cabrera

I am the best candidate for the Glendale School Board because of my experience as a PTA president, Glendale teacher, parent and businessman.

I understand the concerns of Glendale parents, students and businesses. I have held leadership positions in the Glendale Historical Society, Foothill Little League, Royal Canyon Property Owners Assn. and the Glendale Kiwanis Club.

As a Vietnam vet, I know we must educate students — our future voters and leaders — in critical thinking that uses reason to make decisions, and exposure to ethical and compassionate adults to ensure that those decisions benefit all elements of Glendale’s diverse community.

Armina Gharpetian

As an educated mother of three, quality of education is my top priority.

With my educational background, leadership qualities, business practice and community outreach experience, I’m committed to bring fresh perspective and leadership to our educational system.

I am a firm believer in giving back to the community. I am a volunteer provider for Glendale Healthy Kids and over the years I have been involved in many nonprofit organizations.

As an active PTA member representing parents on a school site council, I envision being receptive and accessible to all students, teachers and parents. Let’s not forget: Today’s learners are tomorrow’s leaders.

Joylene Wagner

With eight years on the GUSD Board and nearly 30 in service to youth and community, I bring the experience and knowledge essential for our district’s continued instructional and financial stability and success.

I’ve demonstrated my passion for education in years as a children’s choir director, PTA officer and substitute teacher.

As chair of the Verdugo School-to-Career Coalition and as an elected delegate to the California School Boards Assn., I maintain good working relationships with our legislators in support of our students. I collaborate with colleagues in the district and across the community. I love the work of the GUSD.

Christine Walters

It has been a privilege to serve as a GUSD board member. These past four years were filled with many financial challenges and yet our board provided financial stability, including no teacher layoffs, no furlough days and no salary reductions.

At the same time, scores have increased across all schools and we have added magnet and language programs, giving parents educational choices for their children, and arts and athletics have flourished.

I am Glendale-born, -raised and -educated, a parent of two recent GUSD graduates and have a CPA and finance background. I hope my experience and record on the board have earned your trust and your vote.

Jennifer Freemon

As a parent of two children involved in dual-immersion programs in GUSD and as a former teacher and current curriculum-design specialist, I best understand the various challenges facing our district.

My involvement as a professional educator combined with my involvement in our community and in our schools as a volunteer has helped me develop a perspective unique to the school board. I understand what it is to be a parent. I understand the challenges and opportunities the future presents.

I am committed to connecting our parents, teachers, staff and community to create a unified vision for our students.

Greg Krikorian

As a father of five children, all of whom who have attended public schools, I have a vested interest in the quality of our schools.

Over the past 12 years I have served as a member of the board of education. Along with my colleagues, we have managed to create innovative programs that have generated $30 million in added revenue, despite budget cuts from Sacramento.

We have managed to avoid teacher layoffs, kept class sizes small and ensured our schools continue to be excellent. Given the economic situation in our state, it is vital we stay on a sound course.

Ali Sadri

Each election I look at the candidates. Some are only interested in the curriculum, others are interested in sports. I know they all mean well.

Then I read about fiscal issues and contracts. It seemed to me that most candidates don’t have a clue when it comes to those issues including public contracts. I learned in my own successful business that you have to watch the money and avoid the pitfall of relying on management without question.

Not only are we the protectors of our children, we must, as school board members, be cognizant of our fiduciary responsibilities.

-- Kelly Corrigan,

Follow on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.
