
No charges filed against UCLA water polo player accused of rape, though case not complete

ARCHIVE PHOTO: Hakop Kaplanyan
(Raul Roa / Times Community News)
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A scheduled arraignment for a Hoover High standout and former UCLA water polo accused of rape ended anticlimactically Thursday with no charges being filed, though prosecutors said that may yet change.

Hakop Jack Kaplanyan, a redshirt freshman, was suspended from UCLA after his arrest earlier this month.

“All we can say is the matter is under review for filing consideration,” said Shiara Davila-Morales, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.

Kaplanyan, who is at home in Glendale and out on $200,000 bail, said the future of the case is uncertain.

“We aren’t sure of anything that’s going on,” Kaplanyan said in a phone interview.

His attorney, Berc Agopoglu, said he will try to get UCLA to re-admit his client, according to a posting on his law firm’s Facebook account.

“That’s what I’m looking forward to,” Kaplanyan said.

-- Mark Kellam,

Follow on Twitter: @LAMarkKellam.
