
News-Press Editorial: Lawsuit based on revenge should end with ruling

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A ruling made this week by the state attorney general’s office — an action required to protect elected officials against frivolous lawsuits — disallowed a suit that sought to remove Frank Quintero from his seat on the City Council.

Sean Brady, the attorney for Glendale residents John Rando and Mariano Rodas, maintains they are solely interested in forcing the city to uphold a 30-year-old provision that prevents council members from being employed by the city for two years after leaving office. Their complaint centers on the appointment of Quintero, whose most recent elected term ended in April, to the seat that had been held by Rafi Manoukian, who resigned his council seat after bring elected city treasurer last spring.

Brady says he will seek a reversal of this week’s ruling, claiming it was wrong and based on politics. What Brady does not say is that Quintero’s presence on the council was problematic for Rando, Rodas, the National Rifle Assn. and the operator of the Glendale Gun Show because Quintero this spring voted in favor of banning the show from city-owned property. Rando and Rodas fought against the ban; Brady threatened a lawsuit if the council banned the show. “This ordinance, in the way it’s drafted … will necessarily require litigation,” he told the council in March.

The News-Press’ editorial stance against the gun show ban still stands, but we find completely disingenuous Brady’s claim that Rando and Rodas’ desire to go forward with a suit against Quintero has nothing to do with the gun show and everything to do with making sure the city follows its own rules. In truth, it’s nothing more than retaliation for a vote that didn’t go their way. We hope they’ll reconsider any appeal and let the matter drop.
