
GCC transfer rates down

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Fewer Glendale Community College students transferred to four-year universities in California during the 2012-13 academic year compared to the year before — a decrease blamed on state education funding cuts that educators say impacted the Glendale campus.

In 2012-13, there were 251 students who transferred from Glendale Community College to a UC school, down by about 50 when 299 students transferred in 2011-12.

Also, 574 students transferred from Glendale Community College to a Cal State campus in 2012-13, a decline from 738 students who transferred in 2011-12.

In recent years, students attending the community college found there were fewer courses in which they could enroll as educators reacted to the state education cuts by reducing the number of classes offered and eliminating its winter session altogether in 2012.

The winter session was restored this year, but faculty agreed to teach the winter and summer sessions for 35% less pay.

Fewer course offerings in Glendale and restrictions students met at four-year universities — such as Cal State campuses giving preference to local students — resulted in lower transfer rates, according to Kevin Meza, coordinator of the transfer center at Glendale Community College.

“I think we’re finally coming out of this,” Meza said, referring to the fact that there were no state cuts to education this year. “It’s been at least four years of budget cuts.”

Some school officials think the statewide budget shortfall may have contributed to an increase in transfers from Glendale Community College to out-of-state institutions and private schools in California.

In 2012-13, 280 students transferred to California private schools, up from 270 the year before.

Similarly, 139 transferred to out-of-state schools in 2012-13, up from 102 in the prior year.

Meza said he anticipates that transfers to UC and Cal State campuses will increase in the coming years.

“It seems like we’ve come out of the darker times and we can learn a lot from having to serve students with a limited budget. Now, we have more resources to outreach to students,” he said, adding that part of the outreach will include information about transfer opportunities.

The college also offers 15 associate’s degree programs where students can focus before they transfer to a four-year school, said Kathy Bakhit, associate dean of curriculum management.

A 2010 piece of legislation spurred colleges to create transfer-degree pathways to better enable them to transfer into the Cal State University system.

The 15 programs that students can pursue is up from the four that were available in June 2013 in math, communication studies, kinesiology and sociology.

Some of the new programs include history, psychology, political science and business administration.


Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.


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