
GCC: Community services offers one-day trips to the coast

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Glendale Community College’s community services education program offers day trips to local attractions by way of deluxe, air-conditioned motor coach with experienced tour directors.

Three coastal trips are offered this summer, from the Santa Monica Pier to Malibu, and one to Santa Barbara. Getty and Gladstones is a brunch-included trip to two of Malibu’s landmarks on August 4. It starts with brunch at Gladstones, followed in the afternoon by a visit to the Getty Villa, the estate built by oil magnate J. Paul Getty as a museum dedicated to the study of the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome and Etruria. The collection has 44,000 Greek, Roman, and Etruscan antiquities dating from 6,500 BC to 400 AD. The cost is $99 per person.

On Aug. 14, the Surf, Sand and Serenity tour will visit the beach cities of Marina Del Rey, Venice, Santa Monica and Malibu. Included stops are the Venice Canal Historic District and Ocean Front Walk, the Santa Monica Pier and a ride on the Looff Hippodrome Carousel. There are also visits to the Self-Realization Shrine in Pacific Palisades and the Malibu Hindu Temple, one of the largest Hindu temples in the Western Hemisphere. The cost is $79 per person.

The Santa Barbara Sea Glass and Ocean Arts Festival tour will embark for the day on Sept. 9. There will be a stop at Paseo Nuevo, Santa Barbara’s downtown shopping district, and on State Street. There will be plenty of leisure time to explore the area and take in the fourth annual Santa Barbara Sea Glass and Ocean Arts Festival, which features handmade, ocean-themed art and sea glass jewelry. The cost is $59 per person.

For information on these and other upcoming excursions, go to or call 818-240-1000, ext. 5015. Online registration is available. The single-day tours depart from the GCC main campus upper parking lot entered from Mountain St. There is a $3 parking fee for the day.

Study-abroad program offers summer 2019 excursions

Glendale Community College is offering study-abroad excursions to Ghana, Ireland and England, and Spain in summer 2019.

The college has offered programs in summer, winter and spring to Paris, Prague, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Bali, Spain and Ireland among others.

The Ghana program costs approximately $2,990 plus airfare and GCC fees. The courses include Art 130 – Design I and Art 131 – Design II, as well as Music 127 – World Music and Art Field Studies.

Study abroad in Ireland and England costs approximately $2,995 plus air and GCC fees. Students are on campus June 17 through 25 and abroad June 27 through July 21, 2019. Courses are English 048 - English Field Studies, Political Science 110 - Contemporary World Problems and Ethnic Studies 111 - European Immigrants in the US.

The Spain program costs approximately $2,750 plus airfare and fees. Students meet on campus June 17 through 21 and are abroad June 23 through July 17, 2019. Available courses are History 101 – History of Western Europe, Humanities 117 – Creativity, Culture and Society, and Spanish Field Studies.

Study abroad programs at the college follow the guidelines of the California Colleges for International Education, a consortium of California community colleges.

More information on GCC’s study abroad opportunities may be obtained by visiting or by email at
