
Letters: City Council is ‘throwing good money after bad’

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Our City Council just approved spending more than $7 million to “revamp” Artsakh Avenue, the heart of Glendale’s arts and entertainment district.

Talk about throwing good money after bad! The block between Wilson Avenue and Broadway has seen nothing but business failures in the past seven years, from restaurants to theaters to clothing shops.

It has never enticed the hoped-for nightclubs, art galleries, music/comedy clubs or other venues for live entertainment.

At any time of day or evening you won’t encounter more than a dozen people on the street, and most of them are sitting drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.

Why do our elected representatives continue to waste city revenues on such boondoggles?

Noel Johnson


The City Council has managed to achieve third-world status for Glendale — power off every other hour all afternoon and evening.

I wonder if all the six-story cookie-cutter-design buildings lining Central Avenue, also on Lexington Drive, Orange, Doran and Louise streets approved by the council have anything to do with this?

Marie Fish
