
Letters: Landlord should be jailed until both elevators work, house resolution draws praise

Honolulu Manor Senior Apartments owner Elias Shokrian, right, heads to his car as his attorney Thomas Sands, left, tries to block the camera, outside the Glendale Courthouse after a Sept. 25 hearing about problems with the elevators at the Montrose building. A reader thinks Shokrian should be arrested for elder abuse.
(File Photo/Glendale News-Press)
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Re: “One year and one lawsuit later, a Montrose senior-home elevator is fixed. Now there’s one more to go,” Oct. 30. Obviously the city of Glendale is powerless to compel Elias Shokrian, the owner of the Honolulu Manor Senior Apartments, to make both elevators operational and up to code in his three-story complex.

What a joke.

Who thinks it is a good idea to have seniors who can’t go up and down stairs living in a multistory building anyway?

Anybody who has ever ridden in an elevator has seen the sign: “Do not use in case of fire. Use the stairs.”

So now you have people living on the second and third floor of a building who can’t use the stairs and for the longest period neither of the two elevators was working and now only one is working but not up to code.

Shokrian should be arrested for elder abuse and put in jail until both elevators are working up to code. Then let’s see how long the repairs take. I think they would both be working in short order.

In the meantime it looks to me that Shokrian and the city of Glendale could be on the hook for a major liability claim if a fire were to occur.

Jim Kussman


Regarding the resolution passed in the House of Representatives on Oct. 29 reaffirming the U.S. government should recognize the killings of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide. A friend texted me on Oct. 30: “Rachel! This is Naveh. My heart is crying for your people [and] crying tears of joy for all Armenians all over the globe. It is all over the news. Finally! This is a huge first step.”

Before Congress took a vote, Rep. Anna Eshoo tweeted, “I’ve been waiting for this moment since I first came to Congress 27 years ago.” One hundred four years and six months after the fact, 405 U.S. Congressmen passed a resolution to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Rep. Adam Schiff noted he’s been fighting in Congress to get this passed for 19 years.

Expressing utmost gratitude for this historic bipartisan congressional vote, we wish the United States’ and Armenia’s historical relationship be brought to the world’s attention.

August 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of Wilsonian Armenia’s creation in the Treaty of Sèvres (Paris Peace Conference). We wish this historical landmark decision will be reflected in the next United Nations Summit and the eminent personality to be honored in the UNESCO’s 2020-2030 calendar should be President Woodrow Wilson.

Rachel Melikian

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