
Letter to the Editor: Consider ice rink ‘boondoggle’ when voting

Skaters with the Los Angeles Ice Theater put on a performance at a Holiday on Ice event to mark the opening of a temporary ice rink on the parking lot behind Glendale City Hall on Nov. 22. A reader writes this week to call the effort a "boondoggle."
(File Photo)
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Re: The letter to the editor by Jim Kussman about the city-operated holiday season ice rink.

I have been wondering about this crazy project since I first heard of it before Christmas. Thank God that citizen Jim Kussman did some personal legwork to discover the financial outcome of this boondoggle.

With very few Glendale citizens using this ice rink, the city lost over $350,000 (approx.)! This is unacceptable.

I have been asking Public Works Department to repave my street for years, but they said they don’t have the money. Yet, the City Council has money for this?

I agree with Jim Kussman that we should look at this huge waste of money by the Glendale City Council when elections come March 3. I think we need some new leadership.

Joe Neary

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