
Letters to the Editor: Opinions on the new voting system, Grayson Power Plant

A senior citizen from La Crescenta writes to say he's skeptical that people in his age group will warm to the new L.A. County voting system. In another letter, the former superintendent of the Grayson Power Plant reminds readers of its importance to the city.
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I went to the “Learn More About L.A. County’s Voting System” talk the other night at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church in La Crescenta, at which there were approximately 40 to 50 people in attendance, all seniors.

My understanding of the consensus of those attending it with me is that the new voting technology is so complicated that it will discourage and likely exclude many seniors. And perhaps people of all ages.

If, on balance, it excludes more seniors than those of other ages, one has to wonder if it was invented by millennials for that purpose; it is well known the two groups tend to vote differently.

While I didn’t hear everyone’s comments, of those that I did, not one said they learned anything about the new voting system that would encourage them to go use it. Or how to use it. Instructional tutoring was why people attended, but it was the smallest part of the presentation and didn’t get the job done.

I did hear that with the surprise of the voting complications comes the surprise that it is too late to ask for a vote-by-mail ballot.

Gerald Sherman
La Crescenta


Glendale’s recent decision to purchase energy from the two geothermal projects is a good thing. However, we all need to realize that all of this outside energy has to get to our city by transmission lines.

When everything is normal and there is no interruption of these lines everything is fine. When there is a big upset caused by fire, earthquake, storm or other disruption our city will lose this part of energy flowing into our grid.

Without the Grayson Power Plant we will be without partial or complete energy until it is all restored by someone else. This is why we definitely need our own power plant. With Grayson in operation we can run it to keep the lights on until the system is restored and then shut it down until the next interruption. This is going to be costly to us, but without a Grayson we will have to accept the other way of sitting in darkness until someone else restores our power to us. Think about it.

Larry Moorehouse
Retired supervisor, Grayson Power Plant
