
Letters: Reader gives up to tribute; another writes he’s not a fan of face masks

Members of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department show their appreciation for the work healthcare workers at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital on Wednesday. Among those who stopped by were members of the Glendale Police and Fire Departments, Glendale Community College police, county Fire and Sheriff departments and L.A. City Fire Department. A reader writes today to say it was a moving tribute.
Members of the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department show their appreciation for the work healthcare workers at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital on Wednesday. Among those who stopped by were members of the Glendale Police and Fire Departments, Glendale Community College police, county Fire and Sheriff departments and L.A. City Fire Department. A reader writes today to say it was a moving tribute.
(File Photo)
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I was driving down Verdugo Boulevard Wednesday and saw a heartwarming display of gratitude and support for the front line health workers at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.

Lights flashed, sirens blasted and firefighters stood on their rigs applauding the dedicated workers during this coronavirus outbreak.

Across the street, hospital staff lined up on a terrace raised a “Standing Strong Together’’ banner. It was a moving tribute of community love, hope and strength.

Susan James Carr


So, Glendale City Councilman Ara Najarian said that he has seen people cross each other’s path without face coverings. Well, as long as they stay 6 feet away (like in supermarket lines), so what?

That’s far outweighed by Councilman Dan Brotman’s comment about getting the likes of “some fresh air.”

By the way, everyone should google “How Inhaled Carbon Dioxide Affects the Human Body — Fact Sheet.” Because that’s what we’re doing with these nose-and-mouth-covering face masks!

Harvey Pearson
Los Feliz
