
GCC: Student exhibit continues at Glendale Community College

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A student exhibit in Glendale Community College’s art gallery will resume June 17, the start of the school’s summer session, and continue through June 26.

The gallery is located in the library building, room 326, on campus, 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale.

Works by art students in various disciplines, including drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, design, sculpture and printmaking are part of the exhibit.

The gallery is open from noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

For more information, visit or contact gallery director, David Attyah, at or (818) 240-1000, Ext. 5235.

Commercial music program offered

In addition to classes in vocal and instrumental performance as well as music appreciation and history, Glendale Community College’s music department also offers courses in commercial music.

The program includes “Music 171 – Music Business,” “Music 176 – Introduction to Songwriting,” “Music 177 – Introduction to Music Technology and Sequencing,” “Music 178 – Introduction to Recording” and “Digital Audio Production and Music 185/186 – Pro Tools.”

Music Business, which is offered only in the spring, is an introduction to careers in the music industry.

Jobs and roles examined include songwriters, film and television composers, arrangers, publishers, producers, engineers, record companies, retail, promotion, manufacturing, distribution, agents, music law and managers.

Songwriting is available only in the fall and is designed for students who would like to hone skills needed to write a song.

Students study how the components of lyrics, melody and chords fit together within the structure of a song and learn about the music-publishing industry and copyright law.

Music Technology is offered in fall and spring. This course is an examination of the current computer and software applications used in music creation, sequencing and notation in today’s creative world.

Recording and Digital Audio Production explores sound recording, acoustics, digital audio and signal processing. Students learn audio terminology, audio hardware operation, digital-audio-workstation operation and audio-engineering techniques.

It is offered in fall and spring.

There is also an introductory and an intermediate Pro Tools course offered in fall and spring. They cover the principles and operation of Pro Tools software.

For information about the commercial music courses, visit or contact instructor Jayson Helgeson at

Learn a foreign language

Glendale Community College offers courses in several languages, including Armenian, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

Many of the language courses are taught using the immersion technique, designed to help students better understand a language and the culture in which it is based.

The college’s language courses are university transferable and may be taken to earn a foreign-language associate’s degree.

This fall semester, the beginning level of each of the foreign languages is offered. Chinese 101 is only offered in the fall.

To see a schedule of classes, visit

Open registration continues

Open registration for the fall semester at Glendale Community College continues through Aug. 30. The fall semester will begin Sept. 3.

Applications for the fall semester are still being accepted and should be submitted online at

The college’s live chat is available at to answer questions about applying and registering by clicking “GCC Live Chat” on the home page, or general information can be obtained by calling (818) 240-1000, Ext. 5910.

The schedule of credit and noncredit courses is available at along with links to the academic calendar and a list of important dates.

Information about financial aid is available at

Tuition-free noncredit programs are offered at the Garfield campus. Go to to find out about noncredit including programs in office skills and business technology, parent education and English as a second language.

WENDY GROVE is public information coordinator for Glendale Community College.
