
Commentary: Mailbag: A ‘yes’ and 2 ‘no’ votes for Measure S; thoughts on new theater

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I could not have been more pleased when it was announced that a branch of Laemmle Theatres would be coming to Glendale. This was exactly what the city needed, a theater showing foreign and independent films and documentaries that rarely screen at the Americana or in Burbank.

Yet what films are playing at the Glendale Laemmle: mainstream pictures like “A Star Is Born” and “Venom,” the same films playing in every area theater. After waiting all year for the opening, I’m still forced to drive to Pasadena for interesting movies.

Doug List



I have had the pleasure and privilege of leading Glendale Public Library in bringing exceptional library services to youth, seniors and everyone in between. I also live in Glendale and support Measure S because I know that all of this proposed .75% increase in sales tax will go directly to support Glendale city services: police, fire, libraries, parks, streets and neighborhoods.

There are a lot of rumors about Measure S, including that people will shop in Burbank and Pasadena to avoid paying the additional sales tax. But both cities are asking their citizens to approve the same measure. They are protecting and controlling their future from state, county and other agencies that continue to chip away at local resources. Measure H was approved by county voters and is absolutely for a good cause, but did you know that Glendale generates $10 million that is sent to the county annually? Of this $10 million, we get back less than $400,000 to support our own homeless and veteran communities. Imagine what we could have done with those funds!

Over the past 10 years, 40 police officers and firefighters as well as 17 library staff and 61 parks staff have been cut! Measure S can help restore these cuts resulting in a safer community as well as a community that can continue to provide an outstanding quality of life for all its residents.

I am voting “Yes” on Measure S. As you make your decision, please go to and educate yourself. Your questions will be answered there. I hope you will reach the same decision that I have, to vote to keep sales tax within Glendale and to continue to provide the outstanding city services that make Glendale such a remarkable place to live.

Laurel Patric

Retired Director of Libraries 1992-2003



Measure S is one of the worst actions that the Glendale City Council and staff have perpetrated on the voters of Glendale. They are spending the taxpayers’ money to distribute mailers, fliers, etc. contending that Measure S is needed to preserve the quality of life in Glendale. The issues they claim this measure will provide should have been provided by the current budget.

Unfortunately, the funds which could have provided these essential services were needed to support other funding needs out of the General Fund, including millions of dollars per year to the retirement and benefit funds for Glendale city retirees. Glendale now has more financial commitments to retired employees than it does for the current city staff. The argument offered by the city manager that Glendale needs to increase the sales tax by .75% before the county does it is laughable. If the county deems that a sales tax increase is needed to continue county services, the county will levee the tax.

The Glendale Coalition for Better Government filed a No argument for the ballot but was informed by the city manager that they were one week too late. As a member of this coalition, I am urging you to vote “No” on Measure S.

Albert Hofmann



Measure S is the so called “Glendale Quality Of Life And Essential Services Protection Measure,” a proposed .75% sales tax increase.

Whose protection is it? Homeowners, renters or small business owners? No. It is about saving the outrageous salaries and retirement pension benefits of our CalPERS union workforce. The YES on Measure S committee includes Police Officer Joe Allen, board member of the Glendale Police Assn.; Alex Baroian, attorney; Patricia Larrigan, Glendale police officer (retired), former City Councilman Frank Quintero; Rafi Manoukian, former city councilman and current city treasurer; Realtor Sam Manoukian and business owner Robert Parseghian. Both Allen and Manoukian will be receiving outrageous CalPERS’ retirement pensions. The campaign headquarters is located in the same building and on the same floor as the Glendale Police Officers Assn., 512 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale.

Already, the YES on Measure S campaign has sent out their first slick four-page mailer to Glendale voters. Their mailer states “To Preserve Quality Of Life in Glendale” with pictures of infrastructure, public safety and beautification. Instead, I believe the money will directly benefit some people/organizations who donated to the campaign.

Please vote “No” on Measure S.

Mike Mohill

