
Commentary: Mailbag: Readers concerned about climate change, rent control

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Our nation is slowly destroying the future of the planet. Carbon-dioxide emissions are heating up the atmosphere, and we are just beginning to see the disastrous effects in worsening hurricanes, droughts, fires and the extinction of species.

A recent Trump administration report shows that we are facing a 10% decline in gross domestic product by the end of the century because of climate change.

We have less than 10 years to convert our economy to zero carbon emissions or the changes will become even more severe and permanent.

Instead, we can enact the Green New Deal, which is an ambitious plan to transform our economy and bring our emissions under control. This plan will boost our economy as we transition while meeting the climate goals.

Please contact your U.S. representative, either Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) or Rep. Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park), and ask them to endorse the Green New Deal.

Burt Culver



At a recent Glendale City Council meeting, I heard two audience members talking about rents and rent control, but I didn’t hear any response from City Council members. (Editor’s note: The Glendale City Council this week voted to impose a two-month rent freeze at the end of next month and council members are expected to consider a more permanent Right to Lease ordinance some time after that.)

After a few days, they announced that there are 31 affordable, low-income units. What a generosity, charity, to poor, humble people. Just 31 units for thousands of needy people in a city who seek fair rents. Go search for a needle in a haystack.

You think the United States was found to be as this? Of course not. Let us see which one of the founding fathers of America was inhumane. All they fought for was their land, this country, for America.

George Washington, the hero of America, the great, unique American, John Adams, political theorist, Thomas Jefferson, author of Declaration of Independence, James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton or Benjamin Franklin, the scientist, politician, inventor and composer. Which one of these great Americans was cruel or bad? All they fought for was America, in word and deed.

But now we have new heroes, who fight by money, for money, to get more money, to rule by money and no one can stop them. Is this justice? Where is justice? You must stop them, stop rising rents, stop landlords, land owners … to be loved by people … God bless America.

Razmik Simonian

