
Community: A return to making the rounds in Glendale

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Retirement was fun for a while, but it’s definitely not something I want to do for the rest of my life. And so Glendale — I’m back!

In my revised position, I will be reporting on the accomplishments of service clubs, charities and nonprofit organizations in the community. In addition, the column will carry congratulatory announcements, like awards, engagements, weddings and anniversaries, so please send these items to my new email address listed at the bottom of the column.

Speaking of service clubs, the Northwest Lions Club has some exciting news about their winner in the annual speaker contestant. Natalin Daldalian, a Glendale High School senior, is one of three contestants in the Lions Clubs International Student Speaker Contest for metropolitan Los Angeles.

She competed last night in the Metro Region contest at the Los Angeles Golden Dragon Restaurant. We will have the results of her participation in the next column.

Natalin won the Northwest Glendale Lions Club contest on Feb. 2 and the Zone C Contest on March 8.

Other speakers in Tuesday’s competition were Vivienne Le, representing the Los Angeles International Lions Club, and Anna Diep, representing the Los Angeles Chinese Lions Club.

All students spoke on the topic “What Could the America of Yesterday Teach the America of Tomorrow?” The winner advances to the District 4-L1 contest in Ridgecrest in April.

This is the 75th annual Student Speaker Contest sponsored by the Lions of California. The program’s purpose is to provide competitive public speaking for students on subjects of vital interest to the students and the American people and to stimulate self-expression and independent thinking.

The contest offers a total of $103,500 in college scholarships. Students receive cash awards at the first three levels. Winners in each of the 15 districts in California receive a $4,500 scholarship. Four area winners each receive a $6,500 scholarship, and the overall state winner receives an additional $10,000 scholarship.

Ryan Nekota was the Northwest Glendale Lions club chairman, and Vince De Santis is zone chairman.

In other Northwest Lion news, the local club will participate in a Kids Health & Fitness Expo sponsored by the Glendale Healthy Kids on Saturday, March 24, at the Edison Pacific Community Center.

The club will offer eye screening for infants to age 5 for the first time in the Glendale community, thanks to a new machine made possible through a grant from the Foundation for the Verdugos. The Health Expo runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Center at 501 S. Pacific Ave., in Glendale. Lions Vince De Santis and Dr. Ana Halabi are in charge for the Northwest Lions.

Northwest Glendale Lions Club meets at noon every Thursday at Shakers Restaurant, 801 N. Central Ave., Glendale. For information, call Ross Adams at (818) 243-4458.

There is also big news this week from the Boy Scouts of America. Coming up Friday, the Verdugo Hills Council will have its 38th annual Big Strike Auction at the Castaway Restaurant, 1250 E. Harvard Road, Burbank.

Actor Clint Howard, who lives in Burbank, will be master of ceremonies. He starred in “Gentle Ben” and appeared on the original “Star Trek” series. His brother, director Ron Howard, and actor Gary Sinise will greet guests in video clips.

Organizers are co-chairs Bob and Dorothy Black, of Lakeview Terrace; Bill James, of La Crescenta, advertising sales; Dennis Barlow, of Burbank, council president; Rick Williamson, Area 4 Regional Director; Monte Harrick, of La Cañada, donations; Sue Keyes, of La Cañada, donations; and Jane Barnett, of Burbank, fundraising chair.

Funds raised go to support the many services provided by the council to local Boy Scouts.

The theme is “Changing the World, One Scout at a Time.” The event begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction, 8:15 dinner and 8:45 live auction. Tickets are $100 per person and can be reserved by calling (818) 243-6282.

It’s great to be back!

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