
Setting the record straight

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Re: New Flight Patterns Make No Sense, Letter from Tom Paterson, 3/25/12 News-Press & Leader

The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority appreciates the input of all members of the community as it moves forward with the City of Burbank in developing a future vision for the airport. Mr. Paterson’s letter expresses his concerns about terminal replacement and flight operations. We’re sure he would appreciate our correcting his misstatements of fact.

The Federal Aviation Administration has not said the existing terminal is unsafe. Quite the opposite—the FAA has stated, in writing, that the existing terminal is safe. It has stated, repeatedly, that it can be made much safer by moving the terminal farther away from the runways.

Paterson suggests new aviation technology should enable new departure paths. That’s an FAA question, not a Bob Hope Airport question, and it affects the entire Southern California air space, not just air traffic over the Valley.

Far from being a “secret,” as Paterson suggests, the conduct of a community opinion survey was publicly and widely announced when the City of Burbank and the authority extended their Development Agreement last fall to enable community outreach and dialogue. An independent firm, Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, conducted it and contacted 1,100 people in the community via random voter registrations rolls. All of the results are available on the city and authority websites. How much more transparent can anyone be?

Finally, the survey showed that the majority of voters believe the airport is a good neighbor, and only a small percentage of them, presumably including Mr. Paterson, do not. He is entitled to his opinion, and we welcome that feedback.

Dan Feger


Editor’s note: The writer is executive director of the Bob Hope Airport.
