
Now it’s the turn of electricity rates

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Now that the water rates have been resolved, rate payers can get ready for a redesign of our electricity rates.

The whole purpose of installing smart meters was to be able to implement time-of-use rates. With the installation already in place, Glendale Water & Power can monitor rate payers’ usage and at what time of the day their usage occurs. With this information, they will be able to redesign our new rates. No, it won’t be a rate increase, just a new, redesigned one that will cause your bill to go up if you don’t understand or monitor how you consume energy.

Once the new rates go into effect, if every customer reduces their energy usage, the revenue for GWP will go down. I’m sure they are not planning on that to happen. If it does, what happens to the $22 million that is being transferred to the general fund?

Larry Moorehouse

