
Who should be in control of Glendale?

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The Glendale city treasurer is responsible for the receipt and disbursements of all city funds, the management of the city’s investment portfolio, and reporting investment activity to the City Council and the people of Glendale.

The city treasurer is privy to the financial management of the city and should also report to the people the financial health of the city. Our treasurer appears to be a good keeper of the city investments, but has not informed his voting constituents of the health of the city funds.

Why didn’t our elected city treasurer ever come forward and tell the people his opinion on the financial management of the city? Why didn’t our elected city treasurer come forward and question, for example, $70 million for Smart Meters or the transfer of millions of dollars from GWP into the pockets of city employees’ salaries and pensions?

Why has our elected city treasurer behaved as an appointed treasurer and not as an elected officer of the people?

Some people say the city attorney, as well as the city treasurer, should also be elected by the people and be responsible to the voters first, and not the city manager and city council.

Do the voters of Glendale want total control of our local government only in the hands of our city council (our legislative body), or do they want a legislature accountable to the people, with checks and balances?

Mike Mohill

