
Happy to see Frank Quintero as mayor

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After reading Brittany Levine’s article in the April 11 News-Press on the selection of our new mayor (“Quintero gets the nod as mayor”), this resident was very pleased.

During his tenure on the council, Quintero has made a top priority of environmental matters and has very deeply put the city’s interest first and foremost — even ahead, at times, of his own family. He has exercised his accomplished leadership skills in building consensus on the council, rather than accepting a 3-2 vote; tailored his valuable experience in knowing how to work with people on all sides of the aisle; has always been future-oriented on his outlook for the city and, lastly, he has mastered the art of being a good listener, which is very rare these days.

With all of these skills, it is time now to wish our new mayor the very best in his endeavors to lead this great city out of the economic doldrums and into economic prosperity. Mayor, you have the leadership skills. You can do it, along with the team effort of your fellow colleagues on the council and our new city manager.

I would also like to give honorable mention to the outgoing mayor for having done a nice job.

Gary Cornell

