
City isn’t solving this dog problem

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For the past 18 months our neighborhood has been subjected to constant nuisance barking from several homes with multiple animals. The barking is so bad that we can no longer use our backyards during the summer, and our windows have to remain shut in an attempt to lessen the noise.

We appealed to one of the dog owners in hopes that he would appreciate the position his animals have put the neighbors in. Unfortunately, his reaction was mostly negative.

We then contacted the city of Glendale and were told to contact the Pasadena Humane Society. We were instructed to keep detailed logs of the barking. We kept accurate records for about three months, and the logs were then sent to the humane society. Weeks went by with no response. Finally, after daily attempts to find out what was happening, we were informed that the logs had been lost. We were told to make new logs.

When we heard back from the humane society, we were told that the only thing they could do is notify the neighbor of the complaints, and that we should contact the city of Glendale to resolve this issue.

A woman from the city of Glendale contacted us and told us that she had been given this case. She scheduled a meeting with the neighbors and the dog owner. Several months went by after this meeting with no follow-up. After more phone calls, we were told that another person had been given the case. The last word we got from the second person assigned to this case was that she was sending it to another department.

I wish I could take these dogs and put them in yards that abut those of our City Council members or the city attorney and let them try to live like this.

What is keeping Glendale from enacting a law, or having a department, that will actually function in support of neighbors with this type of problem?

Tim Ragus

