
Collectibles market is an eyesore

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I was surprised and appalled upon turning up at Briggs Avenue on the morning of April 21 to see the Crafts and Collectibles Market setting up for the day. I have lived in La Crescenta for almost 25 years and in that time have seen the town grow and develop in very positive ways. The community takes pride in La Crescenta and its environment. Everyone rallied around saving the big ficus tree on Foothill and people made their feelings known about a dog park and the commercial development that was proposed for the corner of Briggs and Foothill Boulevard. This is a community that cares about the town.

The corner of Briggs and Foothill is the east entrance to La Crescenta. The Pickens Park sign and park was justified in part as an attractive entrance to our town; and although there are mixed feelings in the community about this little park, it did greatly improve the space and there is a lovely memorial there to a young veteran. The new collectibles market degrades and detracts from the improvements that have occurred along the boulevard. There is no visual organization, no continuity in booths. It looks like a makeshift flea market. The La Cañada Farmers Market is a good visual model. This is the entrance to our community. Can’t we do better than this? I am hoping that I am not the only one who feels this way and that others will voice their concerns about this eyesore on the boulevard.

Susan Pearson

La Crescenta
