
Camille Levee is a hard act to follow

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I read with much sadness last week the article by City Editor Jason Wells on the upcoming departure of Camille Levee, the director of Glendale Healthy Kids, before the end of this month.

I can’t top the descriptive adjectives used in that article to describe the goals and achievements except to say that we’re losing not only an outstanding director, but, more so, a beautiful “mom” that this director has proven to be during her tenure at Healthy Kids. I admire her gifts of observation and in paying special attention to detail, as with her latest fund-raising effort, the “Taste of Downtown Glendale.” Levee works well with people, especially with parents of kids of special needs. She always finishes what she starts and is not afraid to make changes when necessary. She’s skillful in supervising staff and employees, and has saved the non-profit money, time and resources.

The leadership she has provided in getting Glendale Healthy Kids off of Community Development Block Grant funding and raising her organization to the elite of the non-profits in the community will leave, in my opinion, a hard act to follow by her successor.

Gary Cornell


Editor’s note: Cornell is vice-chair of the Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee.
