
Time to take back the city

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The first three letters in the Forum of May 9 were right to the point: people-power, wage and benefit abuse and our new city manager Scott Ochoa, and evaluation of the terrible situation the City Council has given to us.

They have raised our water rates and trash fees, the new parking meters have increased parking fees. There were increases in wages, salaried pensions in the past several years. The expected (and paid for) city services are reduced. We need new people on our City Council who will not give in to the temptations and threats offered to them by unions, developers and other special interests.

It is not too soon to start thinking about good, decent people to take back our city. We all know one man who has taken a lot of static for standing up from what is right for our city. Can you say Mike Mohill?

Frank and Bonnie Tortorelli
