
Road diet and other improvements are overdue

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I’m not a bike rider, but I do drive the stretch of Honolulu Avenue in question, and also the stretch of Verdugo Boulevard in Burbank that is already on a road diet. Honestly, I’m not understanding what all the fuss is about. Our city leaders should do what their instincts told them to do months ago when they agreed to move forward on a test plan. If the test works, institute the plan to help calm our roads and open them up to alternative modes of transportation, and spread it far and wide.

I read often in the News-Press that our area is one of the most dangerous places in the region, or heck, maybe even the nation, for cyclists and pedestrians. It seems like the only local drivers this change would affect negatively are those who drive too fast, are too impatient or like to dart across the road at all points.

And while they are at it, the CV Town Council, L.A. County, the city of Glendale and any others that can get it done, should take a lesson from our neighbors to the east, La Cañada, and move forward to beautify and calm Foothill Boulevard. It seems like they’ve been talking about building out the median for decades and nothing goes forward. Our leaders should make our roadways safer, flow better, and more aesthetically pleasing. This just sounds like overdue progress to me.

Chris Green

La Crescenta
