
Times have sure changed in the U.S.A.

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When immigrating to the United States in the mid-’50s, I was overwhelmed: strong country, undisputed leader, riding on the crest of the World War II victory.

What a change! Today’s U.S.A., from the Capitol down to the locals, is saturated by the demagogues who, while stuffing their pockets, engage nonsense-ventilating gadflies to obscure the issues and call the process democracy at work. The self-serving “public servants” produce less at higher cost and split the difference with their cohorts.

One good example is the 710 Freeway extension. Millions have been spent on nonsense. The environmental impact study goes through 2014. Who cares if, in the meantime, poor commuters continue to languish on PLISMs (Parking Lots In Slow Motion) as our freeways mostly are. Even the Glendale Freeway, not the worst case, becomes a PLISM from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30am.

But let’s dwell on local issues. Decades ago, attracted by the conservative bastion of Glendale, I bought an Adams Hill lot and obtained building permits, first in 1978 and again in 1996, paying twice all permit related fees. No complaint. But, additionally, I had to install underground electrical service. Yet, decrepit poles still obstruct the view, while the smart meters burden the ratepayers with huge deficits. So, Steiger or Zurn, the ratepayers get burned.

Many issues plague Adams Hill, this forgotten “Watts of Glendale,” one very annoying being the numerous cracks, holes and settlements in our hillside streets. So, to emulate President Reagan: Almighty City Council, fix our streets! Please come to our Hill to see for yourselves. The welcome committee will be on hand to greet you.

Yul B. Draskovic

