
Finance piece was vindictive, says Krikorian

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The story (“Krikorian shrugs off cash woes,” July 1) that ran concerning my family’s financial issues was troubling for a number of reasons, least of all of which was the motivation behind such a vindictive piece. The article contained what I believe were false innuendoes designed to call into question the support I have garnered for my candidacy, as well as my character. Let there be no doubt that I stand beside my wife and support her during this difficult time. If she asked me to, I would drop out of this Assembly race. She has not.

This was a private family matter that we dealt with in the best way we could. Like millions of Californians, our family has had its share of financial difficulties. However, if there are any questions regarding my fiscal policies, one simply needs to look at my record as a member of the Glendale School Board. For the past 12 years the voters of this district entrusted me with overseeing an annual budget of approximately $350 million per year and I have done so with integrity and complete fiscal responsibility. My record as a school board member is consistent with the positions I have taken in this campaign and it speaks for itself.

When I announced my candidacy for Assembly, I did so with full knowledge that I would be taking on a political machine of immense magnitude and questionable scruples. A machine that has caused so much dysfunction, joblessness and misery in our great state that millions of Californians are facing unprecedented personal, financial and professional hardships. Businesses and schools are closing, teachers are receiving pink slips and financial uncertainty is the only certainty.

In seeking to run a campaign about the issues that affect us all, I never expected to have my family dragged into this fight. Perhaps I was naive. I never expected that my home would have been picketed either because of my positions as a school board member. The fact is, I am part of the 99% of fellow Americans who are continually trying to make ends meet and put their children through college. Am I perfect? No. But I believe our community deserves better than it has been getting from its representatives in Sacramento. Therefore, with even more resolve, I am committed to advocate for jobs, to invest in education and to reverse the unsustainable course our state has been placed on by the tax-and-spend legislative majority, including my opponent. I am committed to being the best choice for the people of our district.

Greg Krikorian

