
Krikorian coverage was biased


I certainly acknowledge all that your paper does to report news accurately and efficiently to the public. However, I simply cannot overlook the biased reporting that appears in your publication. The most recent piece of evidence would be in your July 19 article (“Chapter 7 filing played down”) that only illustrates Greg Krikorian in a negative light, but it even goes on to exaggerate Krikorian’s statements at the Glendale Unified School District Board Meeting on July 17. I was in attendance and clearly heard what Krikorian had to say. It was nowhere near the manner in which your article portrays his speech.

If you choose to support Mike Gatto over Krikorian, by all means do so, but please do not encourage the same biases in your public.

I truly hope you understand that at times of political campaigns, media publications such as your paper can play a pivotal role in the outcome, and as a result, should remain neutral in its reporting. I feel that your journalism purposefully illustrates Krikorian in a derogatory manner. I am appalled at the reportage of your newspaper and deeply saddened for all of the biased opposition Krikorian must face.

Pauline Pechakjian
