
Biden, Holder gave support to La Raza

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On July 6, television news reported that Atty. Gen. Eric Holder was guest speaker for the National Council of La Raza.

For many Americans who do not know, La Raza is one of the largest lobbyists in Washington and, far more importantly, is committed solely to the defense of all illegal immigrants in the U.S. In every way, La Raza gives aid and assistance to those who have broken the Federal Immigration Law to get into our country.

Yet, Atty. Gen. Holder, the top law enforcement person in the U.S., chose to accept the La Raza invitation and speak. His topics include immigration and the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the controversial healthcare law.

The question is: Why did Holder speak to La Raza, knowing what that organization stands for, and also that the U.S. Justice Department, which is supposed to enforce the law against illegals, would be identified with La Raza in Holder’s appearance?

Holder is under fire as the House of Representatives recently found him in contempt of Congress for failing to provide the Congressional Oversight Committee with requested documents concerning the Fast and Furious case, which backfired and furnished 2,000 guns to the Mexican Drug Cartel. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and killed by one or two of those weapons.

Incidentally, Vice President Joe Biden also addressed the National Council of La Raza the night after Holder’s appearance.

Don Mazen
