
Please take care of library’s books

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From Washington, D.C. to Small Town, USA, from the building in the heart of Manhattan that is guarded by stone lions to a majestic building in downtown Los Angeles, the public libraries are a great source of knowledge and literature. They also run workshops, classes, lectures and much more.

Even now, when states and cities are cutting some libraries’ funds, they still function the best they can and they do need our support, financially and otherwise. That is why I am so uneasy when I see some readers have no regard for books they borrow from public libraries. They dog-ear the books’ pages when all they have to do is insert a pice of paper between the pages. And please keep the books away from foods when you are eating, drinking and reading at the same time.

Reading a book gives me so much enjoyment and I would like to have, and pass on, a clean, undamaged book to other readers who would appreciate a clean book.

Sarkis Abrahamian
