
More parks and green space, please

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Re: “Glendale approves mini-park plan, upgrades at other sites,” Aug. 1.

It is good to see that the City Council is finally turning some attention to our horrible lack of parks and open green space in the most dense and crowded neighborhoods of our city. It’s sad to think of all the redevelopment funds that have been given to über-rich developers to increase the density in the city with such a dearth of park and green open space.

It’s good to see some tiny parks, but I am worried that they will try to cram too much stuff into one small park, just like they tried with the minuscule park at Adams Square. We definitely need more green open space, emphasis on the green — you know, trees and grass and living plants.

I believe it is imperative that the city use the fenced-off vacant lot on the southwest corner of Wilson Avenue and Brand Boulevard as parkland. Brand is all concrete. The human spirit cries out for green open space in our city as the population becomes more and more dense. I don’t find the ring of grass around the Americana’s fountain very inviting, or a salve for the throngs of people swarming the cement canyons of Brand and the downtown area.

Yes to more parks and green open spaces.

Susan Roberts
