
Response from former zoning official

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Re: “Private Armenian school wins Glendale suit,” July 25. The article states: “Judge finds that officials acted improperly when they closed Scholars Academic Foundation….”

My involvement with the case was confirming two requirements: they need permits and a conditional-use permit. Other code issues were beyond my control and authority. This case was decided, and I respect that judge’s decision. My administrative appeal case with the city was legally settled, details were reported in the News-Press, and I have no further comments.

I fully disagree with the comment on “incompetence.” I am a well-educated and experienced professional. I possess the necessary intelligence and skills that qualified me as department director of two major departments in other cities: director of zoning/code enforcement in Coral Gables, Fla., and director of building and zoning in Miami. I was hired by the city of Glendale in 1993 as zoning administrator because I was the most qualified and “the best fit” for the position.

My knowledge, not incompetence, made me the longest-running zoning administrator for Glendale. I heard and decided thousands of cases, more than any zoning administrator. I am a very successful professional, and success does not equate to incompetence.

I value freedom of the press and speech. However, when others use them negatively and twist facts, it becomes a venomous pill from some who have a personal vendetta. It is disheartening how some people would take an opportunity to advance their dirty agenda.

Yes, I am running for City Council. I made the decision to run very seriously. God is good to me, and I am thankful for allowing me to use my common sense and intelligence to help and serve this community. My dedication to Glendale continues.

The News-Press has had a great reputation in the past as a fair paper during election years, and I hope that this will continue.

Edith M. Fuentes
