
Najarian should take off velvet gloves

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When you’re in politics, especially in the big leagues as Councilman Ara Najarian is, there isn’t a day that goes by without some political surprises.

Instead of whining about your seat on the MTA Board possibly being lost, you put to use the available tools and skills of the shrewd attorney you are and start taking the offensive. Get a resolution passed by the council that it is very much in the best interest of the Jewel City to see that Najarian remains a member of the MTA Board. Implement the Kissinger-style art of diplomacy by having a one-on-one with each board member and reiterate during this pitch the high marks of achievement during your tenure on this board and as its chairman.

Take off the velvet gloves, put on the boxing gloves and stop whining. You have done a most credible job during your tenure and all of us want you to succeed. However, right now is the best time to lace up the boxing gloves. We all wish you the very best in retaining your seat.

Gary Cornell

