
Charter information is misleading

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There have been comments by Councilwoman Laura Friedman and the director of finance recently regarding the City Charter somehow being outdated. But the City Charter was reviewed and amended in lengthy sessions by a “blue ribbon committee.”

This review of the City Charter was a mere seven years ago, not the 40 years some would like the public to believe. The committee was made up of highly competent individuals who spent a vast amount of time studying/researching voluminous documents that were provided. They came up with and recommended some 21 changes. These revisions were then submitted to the voters in 21 separate sections, and the voters rejected any changes.

This misleading misinformation must be publicly corrected. Shame on the other members of the Council that did not speak up to correct this misinformation at the time it was espoused, as all of them were in attendance at the revision sessions at various times.

Another issue of importance is the oral communications section of our council meetings. Prior to John Drayman [being elected to the council], the public did not wait until the end of the weekly sessions to speak. This change has had a chilling effect on public input. If the City Council is unwilling to hear from the public at a reasonable time, then do not run for office and then complain about hearing from the public that put you into office. Oral communications are vital to the pulse of what the constituents are thinking. So what if some people have thoughts on a regular basis? If any City Council member cannot take the heat, then he or she should get out of the kitchen.

James and Carole Weling
