
Evans’ convention story is hypocrisy

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Re: ”Rain and money occupy convention,” Aug. 29. Editor Dan Evans wrote that it was disconcerting being around so much money at the Republican convention vs the occupy RNC protesters. This is such hypocrisy.

The Obama campaign’s stated goal was to raise a billion dollars and the president ‘s goal seems to be commander in chief of fundraising events. This is, unfortunately, what the parties do during elections.

When did success become a dirty word? Evans stated, “I suppose I could complain of a lack of specifics.” I think delegate John Cushman said “ the solution is to reduce the regulation and taxation that is driving companies out of the state.”

California’s Democratic party is not working on solutions when the state and city unions and employees association can still retire in their 50s and receive 90% to 60% of their last year’s income. I am not against city retiree pensions, they certainly earn a fair pension, but our unions and politicians support of excessive lifetime pensions are taking away from our schools, libraries, education, and jobs.

This letter is not completely negative for Evans. He wrote a fair and informative article, “Local doctor talks destiny at convention”, about Dr. Greggory DeVore, a fetal specialist from La Cañada and a GOP delegate.

Marcie Jensen
