
Reflections art contest seeks magic moments

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“The Magic of the Moment …” is the theme of the 2012 PTA Reflections art contest. New this year is a “Special Artist Division” (non-graded) for students with physical, cognitive or mental health challenges meeting American Disabilities Act guidelines. Information is available from the California State PTA at

Glendale High School

Back to School Night is Sept. 6. Picture Day for student ID cards and yearbook is Sept. 10 and 11. Nitros football versus Pasadena happens at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 on Moyse Field.

Wilson Middle School

Wilson students are reminded that the deadline for entries to the 2012 PTA Reflections art contest is Sept. 28. For information, Wilson students can contact Fumiyo Guzman at

Marshall Elementary

A warm welcome to new Marshall Principal Carla Walker, who will be reporting on school and PTA news. Walker announces that the annual PTA membership drive begins Thursday. “Anyone can join for $8,” she says. Back to School Night is Thursday with kindergarten through third-grade parents invited from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. and parents of fourth- and fifth-graders attending from 7:15 to 8 p.m. Walker reminds everyone that Marshall’s motto is “Reading Makes Us Roar (Reach Out And Read)!”

Verdugo Woodlands Elementary

Verdugo Woodlands kicked off its year with a successful “Howdy Coffee” for parents, reports School Liaison Eileen Quast, with many volunteering for a host of school-supporting activities. September is “responsibility” month and Lori Tsparian, PTA president, says, “I look forward to seeing parents at our programs and events and urge all to join PTA and attend the bimonthly meetings beginning Sept. 19.” The PTA also welcomes Principal Kristina Provost, Teacher Specialist Sylvia Galvez-Grado and teachers Kyle Bender, Jessica Cobin, Audrey Shiomi, Kathryn Nishibayashi and Yuri Kogi.

Megan Torrey-Pane, president of WAVE, the school’s primary fundraising group, urges parent involvement. In 2011-12, WAVE gave nearly $100,000 to fund new computers, the Meet the Masters Art and K-2 Music programs, 178 new library books, and salaries for a librarian, care counselor and computer lab assistant. The next WAVE meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 11 in Room 1220.

The Joy of Giving, a WAVE fundraiser, runs Aug. 30 to Sept. 14.

The following arts programs are welcomed back: hip-hop dance for K-6 (fall); creative arts (fall, spring); K-2 music (September through March); drama (January through March); Meet the Masters (year-round); and third-grade recorder (2013).

Brook Lee, Japanese dual-language kindergarten parent and Fall Festival chair, announces the theme, “Ranchero Days!” She invites anyone in the community interested in hosting a booth or getting involved to contact her at The Fall Festival is noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 3 at Verdugo Woodlands.

Dads’ Club President Jason Nyhan seeks volunteers for events including the Pancake Breakfast and Father’s Follies. Contact For Dads’ Club rentals, contact Second Vice President Robert Velis at

VW Voices, school chorus for third through sixth grades, reconvenes Sept. 10, meeting before school on Mondays from 8:15 to 9 a.m. in the cafeteria.

School photos are scheduled for Sept. 19.

EDNA KARINSKI covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. E-mail
