
Najarian sticks foot in mouth again

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Regarding the approved plans for a new Bloomingdale’s [“Plan for Bloomingdale’s gets the nod,” Sept. 1] Councilman Ara Najarian should be embarrassed by his own biased comments toward consumers who spend their money in our city. He says that the types of customers In-N-Out attracts “aren’t what that part of the city needs” and that the “demographic is completely opposite” to what he thinks should be next to the Galleria and the Americana.

All he needed to say next was that an In-N-Out belongs only in East L.A. Did he not learn his lesson from sticking his foot in his mouth then? I thought Najarian’s job was to represent his constituents, not just the select elite. He is making it publicly known that he prefers only high-end shoppers around the Galleria and Americana. As consumers and Glendale residents, we are offended by his ignorant remarks. Way to welcome people to our city, Najarian.

Lesly Leonardo
