
Griem’s In Theory answer lacked sense

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The gigantic topic “Should creationism be taught in schools?” was posed in the Sept. 9 In Theory page. I recognize that many through their faith do believe in creationism, but I personally believe that logic and science unquestionably stand behind the truth of evolution. The science behind it is overwhelming, at least for those who are willing to open their eyes and mind to the vast trove of worldwide supporting evidence. I also believe that God need not be dismissed when one supports evolution because it could represent one of his greatest accomplishments.

Of those who responded to the In Theory question, the one who should not have was the Rev. Bryan Griem. In my opinion, his logic is bereft of sense, but even worse is his name calling and belittling evolutionary science and those who believe in it. Griem says Bill Nye (the TV host that criticized teaching creationism in schools) is “the scary guy, the pagan guy; one worshiping godless misdirection.” Scientists “garner funding, find arti-’facts’ and pretend life’s knowledge. They’re ignorant, as Nye illustrates. I don’t like him anymore. Neither do my kids.” He says Nye and Voltaire are “dorks.” And there’s more, but that’s enough to illustrate what is not needed in a civilized discussion about teaching creationism in our schools.

Evolution is no longer a theory but a fact. Sure there are still unknowns and an occasional error but what do you expect when we are looking back at billions of years of life on earth? Creationism is a belief that does not have documentable observable facts to support it. It should not be taught in schools on an equal footing with evolution. Of course, it could be taught as an unsubstantiated belief along with similar beliefs in other religions.

Robert Morrison
