
Water rates have increased 51%

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Re: “City to pipe in new bond funds,” Nov. 3, the Glendale City Council recently raised our water rates 13% over the next four years. In addition, this is on top of the already 38% water rate increases residents, businesses and schools have experienced since 2007. By the year 2015, residents, businesses and schools will have been assessed a 51% water rate increase.

The people’s attorney, Harry Zavos, many times came before our city council and challenged the illegal transfer of money from the Water Fund to the General Fund. The transfer stopped only after former City Attorney Scott Howard, after nearly a year of stonewalling, advised the council.

Had our current city council and previous councils not illegally violated Proposition 218 since the year 2000 with transferring approximately $4 million annually from the Water Fund account to the General Fund, then our current council would not be discussing the need for a $35-million water-revenue bond to shore up the infrastructure of Glendale Water and Power. If the council never imposed rate increases from 2007 to 2015 of 51%, it certainly would not be necessary for a water bond.

By a four-to-one vote, with councilman Rafi Manoukian stating he would not vote for the bond, council members Friedman, Najarian, Weaver and Mayor Quintero advised staff to prepare the necessary paperwork for the processing of another bond debt for the stakeholders of Glendale.

We need to operate our utility company as a sound business enterprise and not as a source of additional revenue to help shore up the unfunded and unsustainable salary and pension obligations of our city employees.

Finally, because of council mistakes, the Moody Investment Service Company, a major bond-rating company, today would not be contemplating downgrading the financial soundness of the city of Glendale.

Mike Mohill
