
Thankful for the work of campus police

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A student in my English 101 class at Glendale Community College had a sudden-onset medical event. A Health Office nurse and a campus police officer and cadet immediately responded to my request for assistance. Once Officer Neil Carthew and Cadet Nick Allen came on the scene, they calmly directed student helpers and the nurse as to appropriate procedures. They also immediately called for an ambulance.

Through their calm and take-charge attitude, Carthew and Allen were able to secure the area from the unwelcome curiosity of students exiting the room and those planning to enter the classroom for the next class.

Once ambulance personnel were on scene and helping the student, Carthew and Allen were still at the ready to offer their services. Carthew took down pertinent information from the student’s driver’s license, gathered the student’s possessions and accompanied the student on a gurney to the waiting ambulance in front of campus. Carthew still would not leave the scene until he was told that Verdugo Hills Hospital had a bed available for the student and the ambulance departed for that hospital.

On his way to the campus police department office, Carthew took the time to answer a student who approached him with a question about volunteer opportunities. Only after thoroughly answering the student’s question did Carthew go back to the office.

I highly commend the quick, calm and compassionate actions of Carthew and Allen. They are representative of the necessity of a campus police force. Their training in emergency procedures by campus Police Chief Gary Montecuollo and their quick response time only underscore the importance of a fully staffed police presence on campus, at the ready every day and every night, seven days a week.

Ruth Sowby
