
Print edition serves an important role

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Chris Davis wrote an eloquent letter, “City needs a printed News-Press,” Mailbag, Dec.12, in which he voices his despair over the ongoing News-Press changes. I too despair over the diminution of the printed paper that I have read over many, many years during breakfast.

I may be old (depending on the definition) but I try to defy the fogy designation. I am relatively conversant with the personal electronics revolution and read lots of stuff on my computer screen, but because I have cared about Glendale for so long, the News-Press print issue provides a perception of being in touch with the community that a fleeting glimpse on a monitor or other device can’t provide.

Along with the move of the News-Press facilities out of Glendale and a publishing reduction to just five days a week, I can’t help but feel that the newspaper is no longer the real caring participant in the lives of those living in Glendale that it once was. I sense that, before long, in the newspaper world, Glendale will lose its own independent identity and dissolve into a small room in the enormous Los Angeles print and electronic mansion. So sad.

Robert Morrison
