
Glendale float was wonderful

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Thank you, city of Glendale. We had a beautiful and wonderful float. It was back on Jan. 31, 2012, I wrote in regarding Brittany Levine’s Jan. 24, 2012, article on how Glendale politicians couldn’t stop fighting about the float and it was going to be discontinued because no one could agree on anything from design to cost and everything in between.

It really struck a chord with me how other cities, as a source of civic pride, have their Rose Parade float, yet Glendale wanted to fight among themselves like children and go home. That was then and this is now. The 2013 city of Glendale float won the Governor’s Trophy for best depiction of life in California with its float titled “Living the Good Life.”

Thank you, Rick Caruso, for helping make this happen and getting our local politicians to act as a team instead of spoiled children.

William Snoberger
