
Union should work with district

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As we get ready to review those candidates that have tossed their hats into the ring for board member seats at Glendale Unified, this subscriber has a perplex problem in analyzing the Glendale Teachers Assn. and their contributions in the education environment. First it was with Measure S in 2011 in not endorsing that measure. Then it was their lack of cooperation in working with the district in obtaining a $40 million federal grant.

I just don’t understand the rationale of their thinking by not working with the district to obtain this much needed funding. Aren’t our kids suppose come first? How is the union able to extract any concessions they so desperately need for their members if the district remains in a financial straitjacket?

Certainly it is in the union’s best interest to see that the district is in a sound and secure financial position. I took in one of the meetings at Glendale High School in October that our superintendent was making the rounds on regarding the state of our school district.

If you took one in and heard the message by Supt. Dick Sheehan, it wasn’t a very pretty picture at all. In fact it was a most dismal one, going on now for five years and with the reserves down to bare minimum. Yes, we are in a fiscal crisis. This is why it is so paramount for the teachers union when the opportunity arises to work with the district as a team.

This is is not being done with the current leadership. Again kids are supposed to come first. Having a vibrant and well-financed school district is certainly a plus for our lovely community as well as helping to retain our property values. With the April election before us, perhaps it would be the right time to make that leadership change.

Gary Cornell

Editor’s Note: Cornell is a member of the Superintendent’s Community Advisory Committee
