
Education system needs new priority

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Re: “Program offered for English learners” (Mailbag, Jan. 5): According to two Harvard University Reports, the conclusions of which I found in a Verdugo Labor Market Report flier among the nicely stacked group I first found on the Glendale Central Library’s “Library and Community Information” kiosk, there are two main reasons why the American educational system too often results in our labor markets having a dearth of access to skilled labor: The structure of the country’s workforce development system and the current U.S. education system’s focus on qualifying most students for college versus specific industry needs.

It made me think maybe that’s why we supposedly need so much foreign labor to do our skilled blue collar work.

By the way, here’s hoping that before the city scrounges around trying to find the big bucks needed to reconfigure the entrance to the Central Library, it will first come up with the funds necessary to fix the more practical likes of the public computer room’s computer No. 8 — which has manifestly been out of commission for quite a long time now — et cetera.

Harvey Pearson
Los Feliz
